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Payson, AZ political contributor details

First Name Last Name Occupation Amount Date
Mark  Reza  Best Effort/best Effort  $600  2004-03-24 

  Mark Reza

posted: 2005-09-08 17:06:21
Reply to Bush spin
The Bush spin machine is working overtime. They want to blame the Hurricane Katrina disaster on the poor and homeless and the Democratic Party. A recent poll showed that 74% of the Republicans believe this big lie. The fact is that the Republicans made all of this a political issue. They ran last fall on the lie that they could protect Americans better than the Democrats. They said that we would not be attacked again if we elected Republicans. They gave big tax cuts to the multi-national corporations, oil companies and other fat cats that President Bush refers to as his “base”. They created the Department of Homeland Security and spent billions of dollars in expenditures that turned out to benefit Halliburton and Republican Congressional candidates that now control our government. Now, thousands have died. The story of people waiting for the salvation of transit or food, water and shelter that never came is well documented. The FEMA Director, a former Horse Association official was unaware of people staying at the Super Dome in New Orleans and the Wartime President telling him, “Brownie, you are doing a heck of a job!”. The President is so used to failure that he thinks that failure is a good job. What does this tell us? Is this the same person that wants to conduct an investigation of what went wrong with the disaster relief efforts. Is America protected? Are you protected? If your house catches fire, if there is a flu epidemic, if there is an earthquake, will the President and his Republican Congressmen and Judges blame you for being a victim? If you agree with the President’s spin, then don’t come to your neighbors when you are personally hit with a disaster. Don’t call on anyone if your grandchild is caught in a burning subway in New York City after a terrorist attack. Don’t call anyone if you brother’s house is blown away by a tornado in Kansas. Don’t expect any help if you are flat on your back with a 103 degree temperature due to the fact that you did not get a flu shot or there was no government agency that insured the proper vaccine. This is the new Republican America where we are all on are own, enjoy your tax cuts. ###.
  Kelly Crittenden

posted: 2005-09-09 13:36:05
The Ignorance of People
HELLO, Mark Reza, what are you thinking?? It's always Democrats who make everything from church on Sunday morning to college funding an issue. For those of you who don't remember what eight years of Democratic reign has done for our country, take a look back to the beginning of the Taliban party. If the bunch of limp-wristed Democrats people like you, Mark, elected had taken some action when American soldiers were killed during street bombings, the bombing of our Embassy, and the first attack on the Trade Center, we would never have gotten to the point of 9-11. Then , 9-11 happens and all of America is crying "revenge" and now you people are pissed because we are at war and we've lost some American lives. Tyical liberal behavior. I have two brothers and 5 cousins and many friends who are currently serving in Iraq and if you think the idea of the conflict in Iraq being a failure as the media tries to represent is accurate, you are WAY off base. Every soldier I know who is currently serving assures me that MUCH good is being done overseas, and it's nothing like what we see on the news. As far as the Hurricane victims go, I am TRULY sorry for their loss, pain, and hardship. Unfortanetly, the President does not control the weather. The people who were stranded in Louisiana and Mississippi were given ample time to evacuate and I believe the government and other agencies are doing all they can to help them out in a timely fashion since they either wouldn't or couldn't evacuate. The fact is, sending in the National Guard and allotting some $50m billion dollars for repair and aid is about all President Bush can do, and I'm really sick of people like you constantly downing what the government and companies like Wal-Mart have tried to do to help the victims. It disturbs me to no end to see the people that were fortuante enough to survive screaming and cussing the CEO of WalMart and President Bush because they feel like the company and the government didn't give them enough. (Of course, I realize that the survivors have been stereo-typed due to the minority of people they show behaving this way--which is due, once again, to our liberal media always representing Replublican governmetn in a negative light) If you look back at the tsunami that struck just months ago, the government of those nations acted pretty much in the same fashion as our government has reacted now. And by the way Mark, since you're so big on the Hurricane victims, what have you done to help the relief effort? Have you donated your time,your money, and have you opened your heart and home to the poor people down there suffering? It worries me, Mark, when I hear the opinions of people like you. If more and more Americans continue to sway towards your way of thinking, your grandchildren will be bowing down to Allah by force and speaking Arabic!
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